Cardamine pratensis
1 of 22
pink cuckoo bittercress, pink cuckoo flower
April 19,
Connecticut River, North Walpole, NH
A European plant that has found a new home in American wetlands
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Myles SF-Plymouth-Charge /Grassy Pond area
AA-JP-Bussey Brook
Acton Grassy Pond Conservation Area
Acushnet: Summer Winds Farm
Adams generic
Alewife Brook, Arlington
Alewife Reservation, Arlington
Alewife Reservation, Belmont
Alewife Reservation, Cambridge
Alewife Reservation, Cambridge
Ames Long Pond, Easton
Ames Nowell State Park: Brockton
Ames Nowell State Park: Cleveland Pd shore
Ames Nowell State Park: boardwalk across Pond edge
Ames Nowell State Park: high-voltage line
Ames Nowell State Park: woods
Amherst generic
Andover: Ward Res. (Pine Hole Pond)
Arlington: Menotomy Rocks Park
Arlington: Turkey Hill
Ashburnham: Cheshire Pond Cons. Area
Ashburnham: Depot Rd./powerline
Ashburnham: Lakeshore Drive, N of Lake Watatic
Ashburnham: N of Fitchburg Rd.
Ashburnham: Old County Rd. E of Lake Wampanoag
Ashburnham: generic
Assabet River, Gleasondale, Stow
Avon Costco parking lot
Avon Rt 28
BHR-B-South of Rt.95
BHR-C-Accord P, GBHill
BHR-C-GBH-ski slope
BHR-C-Little Blue Hill
BHR-C-Neponset RR-Fowl Meadow
BHR-C-Neponset RR-W Fowl Meadow Path
BHR-C-Neponset RR-W Fowl Meadow, Neponset R. Bank
BHR-C-Ponkapoag Bog
BHR-C-Ponkapoag Brook
BHR-C-Ponkapoag Pond W
BHR-C-Ponkapoag Pond, Fisherman Beach entrance
BHR-C-Ponkapoag Pond-end of boardwalk
BHR-C-Ponkapoag Swamp
BHR-C-Rt 138 opposite GBH
BHR-C-S slope of GBH above Accord P
BHR-D-Neponset R.-Fowl Meadow
BHR-M-4046-Pine Tree Brook P near pipeline
BHR-M-Border P and its continuation along Unquity
BHR-M-Border P below Unquity Dumpster
BHR-M-Border P/Unquity Rd crossing-NW corner
BHR-M-Brookwood Farm
BHR-M-Chestnut Run
BHR-M-Chickatawbut Overlook
BHR-M-Chickatawbut Rd
BHR-M-Dam at Harland St/Unquity Rd intersection
BHR-M-E of Rt 28
BHR-M-Furnace Brook
BHR-M-GBH Summit
BHR-M-Hancock Hill
BHR-M-Harland St
BHR-M-Harland St-empty ice pond-historic-1890
BHR-M-Harland St-historic-1892
BHR-M-Hemenway Hill summit
BHR-M-Hillside St
BHR-M-Houghton's Pond
BHR-M-Massachuseuck Trail
BHR-M-N slope of Hemenway Hill
BHR-M-Neponset R. Fowl Meadow along Brush Hill Rd.
BHR-M-Neponset RR-Fowl Meadow
BHR-M-Pasture Run
BHR-M-Pine Tree Brook floodplain off Unquity Rd
BHR-M-Pine Tree Brook off Harland St
BHR-M-Pine Tree Brook-upper
BHR-M-Pondlet betw. GBH and Wollcott Hill
BHR-M-Roger Pines-historic-1918
BHR-M-The Pines-historic-unknown-1885
BHR-M-Unquity Dumpster
BHR-M-Unquity Dumpster parking lot
BHR-M-Unquity Rd
BHR-M-Unquity Rd pechka
BHR-M-Western Border Path off Rt.138
BHR-M-around Ulin Rink
BHR-M/C-Neponset RR-Fowl Meadow
BHR-Q-Blue Hills Reservoir
BHR-Q-Bouncing Brook P off Gr Cedar Swamp
BHR-Q-Braintree Pass P at Barberry Bush
BHR-Q-Chickatawbut Hill
BHR-Q-Chickatawbut proseka
BHR-Q-E of Rt. 28
BHR-Q-Fox Hill
BHR-Q-Furnace Brook
BHR-Q-Furnace Brook Lower
BHR-Q-Furnace Brook Wetlands (L.Site))
BHR-Q-Great Cedar Swamp off Rt.95
BHR-Q-Great Dome with Little Dome
BHR-Q-Hawk Hill P
BHR-Q-Hawk Hill SE slope
BHR-Q-Hemlock P
BHR-Q-Laurel P
BHR-Q-NE of Rattlesnake Hill
BHR-Q-Pine Tree Brook P
BHR-Q-South of Rt.95
BHR-Q-Squamaug Notch
BHR-Q-St. Moritz Ponds
BHR-Q-Tucker Hill
BHR-Q-W of Rt. 28
BHR-Q-Wampatuck Path
BHR-Q-Wampatuck Rd
BHR-Q-betw 4084 and 4072
BHR-Q-betw Rattlesnake Hill and Wampatuck Hill
BHR-Q-betw Rt 28 and pipeline
BHR-Q-chestnut_tree Squamaug Notch
BHR-Q/M-Braintree Pass P off Rt 28
BHR-Q/M-Chickatawbut Rd betw Overlook/Reservoir
BHR-Q/M-Ridge Path
BHR-Q/M-Rt 28
BHR-R-Ponkapoag Pond-Blue Hill R.
BHR-R-Ponkapoag Pond-E
BHR-R-Ponkapoag Pond-NE
BHR-R-Ponkapoag Pond-SE
BHR-R-equestrian bridge accross Rt 24
BHR-R/C-Ponkapoag Trail-road to boardwalk
BHR-Readville (Fowl Meadow)
BHR: Milton (generic)
Bald Hill Reservation, Boxford
Beaver Brook Reservation [S], Belmont
Beaver Brook Reservation [S], Belmont/Waltham
Beaver Brook Reservation [S], Waltham
Bedford generic
Bedford: Great Meadows
Bedford: White Cedar Swamp Cons. Area
Belmont generic
Belmont: Habitat Wildlife Sanctuary
BlackPondR-Norwell-Mt Blue Street
Borderland Pk-Easton: Bristol Co
Borderland Pk-Sharon: Norfolk Co
Boston Harbor Res: Bumkin I., Hingham
Boston Harbor Res: George's Island, Boston
Boston Harbor Res: Grape I., Weymouth
Boston Harbor Res: Peddocks I. (inner), Hull
Boston Harbor Res: Peddocks I. (salt marsh/beach), Hull
Boston Harbor Res: Thompson Island
Boston: Arborway (Rt. 203)
Boston: Dorchester
Boston: Muddy R.
Boston: generic
Bourne: Generic
Bourne: North
Boxford State Forest, Boxford
Boxford State Forest, North Andover
Braintree T-station
Braintree generic
Braintree, Wood Rd.
Breakheart Res., Saugus
Brewster WingMassasoit SP
Brewster-Cape Cod-Beech Island
Brewster-Cape Cod-Wing Island
Brewster: Crosby Landing
Brewster: Elbow Pond
Brewster: Nickerson State Park
Brewster: generic
Bridgewater: Nippenicket Lake
Bridgewater: Nunkatessett Pond
Bridgewater: Styles/Hart Pk
Bridgewater: fields and meadows off Elm St.
Bridgewater: generic
Brockton: D.W. Field Pk., Porter Pond
Brockton: East Gate Shopping Plaza
Brookline: Lost Pond Cons. area
Brookline: Muddy River
Brookline: Sargent Pond
Brookline: generic
Burrage Pond Area vicinity, Hanson
Burrage Pond Area, Hanson
Burrage Pond WMA, Hanson
CT: Storrs: dam
CT: Storrs: plot1
CT: Storrs: plot2
CT: Storrs: plot3
Callahan State Park, Framingham
Cambridge, HUH
Cambridge: Charles River embankment
Cambridge: Fresh Pond, vic
Cape Cod, Hyannis, Little Israel Pond
Cape Cod, Hyannis, Mary Dunn Pd
Cape Cod, Hyannis, Mary Dunn Road
Cape Cod, Mashpee: 4-H Farley Camp
Cape Cod, Mashpee: 4-H Farley Camp, Edu. Center
Cape Cod: Bourne, Carter Beal Cons. Area
Cape Cod: Bourne, Leary Cons. Area
Cape Cod: Dennis: Quivett Creek
Cape Cod: Sandwich, Orleans-historic
Cape Cod: Sandwich, generic
Carver-Raccoon Pond
Carver-Rt. 58
Carver-Rt. 58
Carver: Cranberry Rd.
Carver: generic
Caryl Park: near parking lot, Dover
Charles R-Newton-SE border
Charles R-Newton-off Saco St
Colorado: Aspen vic., Pitkin Co.
Colorado: Aspen vic., Roaring Fork River
Colorado: Lake Co., Climax
Colorado: Lake Co., Twin Lakes
Colorado: Maroon Bells area
Colorado: Maroon Bells: Crater Lake
Colorado: Maroon Lake
Colorado: Pitkin Co.
Colorado: Rt82
Colorado: Rt82 stop1
Colorado: Rt82 stop2
Colorado: Rt82 stop3: Ghost Town
Colorado: Rt82 stop4: Independence Pass
Colorado: generic
Concord: Elm Brook
Conn. R.: Walpole
Conn. R:, N Walpole
Cutler Park: Central
Cutler Pk S Cutler Pk
Cutler Pk S Cutler Pk: Farm
Cutler Pk-Dedham-SE Cutler Pk
Cutler Pk-Needham-N Cutler Pk
Cutler Pk-Needham-N Cutler Pk
Cutler Pk-Needham-S Cutler Pk
Cutler Pk-Needham-SE Cutler Pk
Cutler Pk-Needham-SE Cutler Pk-Pine Island
Cutler Pk-Needham-SW Cutler Pk
D.W. Field Pk., Avon
Dartmouth: Allens Pond Sanctuary (NE)
Dartmouth: Allens Pond Sanctuary (SW)
Dartmouth: Demarest Lloyd SP
Dartmouth: Slocum's River Reserve
Dedham generic
Dedham, Charles R.
Dedham, Wigwam Pond
Dedham, Wigwam Pond and vicinity
Dedham: Endicotts's property
Dedham: Endicotts's property 2
Dedham: MIT Endicott House
Dedham: MIT's Weld Pond
Dedham: NewBridge/Charles
Dedham: Northeastern University Dedham Campus
Dedham: Rt.128
Dedham: wetland near MIT props
Dukes Co: Elizabeth Is.-historic-1928
Duxbury-Bay Farm-parking lot
Duxbury: Chandler Sanctuary
Duxbury: Feinberg Bogs
East Bridgewater: baseball field
East Bridgewater: generic
Easton: Black Brook
Egremont: Jug End Fen
Egremont: generic
Ellisville Marsh (all dunes incl. DCR)
Ellisville Marsh (all marsh incl. DCR)
Ellisville Marsh (border)
Ellisville Marsh (dune)
Ellisville Marsh (dunes, marsh, border)
Ellisville Marsh (marsh)
Ellisville Park DCR (all)
Ellisville Park DCR (border)
Ellisville Park DCR (dune)
Ellisville Park DCR (except marsh)
Ellisville Park DCR (marsh)
Endicott House surroundings, Dedham
Erving State Forest, Erving
Fairhaven: Nasketucket Bay Res.
Fairhaven: West Island
Fall River: Quanapoag Rd.
Fall River: Quanapoag Rd., gas line
Falmouth Coonamessett Res.
Falmouth Crane WMA
Falmouth Crane WMA: Quail Area
Falmouth Sippewisset
Falmouth: Salt Pond
Freetown/Fall River State Forest, Fall River
Freetown/Fall River State Forest, Freetown
Freetown/Fall River State Forest, near parking, Freetown
Garden-in-the-Woods Framingham
Gardner: L. Wampanoag Wildlife Sanct.
Gr. Barrington, Beartown SF
Gr. Barrington, Monument Mtn. Res.
Hale Res., Dover
Hale Res., Westwood: entrance
Hale Res.: Noanet Pond, Dover
Hale Res.: Powisset Pond, Dover
Halifax: West Monponsett Lake
Hamilton: Appleton Farms
Hamlin Res., Ipswich
Hanson generic
Hanson: Burrage Pond Area: WCA
Harold Parker SF, N Andover
Harold Parker SP, Andover
Harwich generic
Harwich: Smith Cold Brook Preserve
Hawkes Brook floodplain, Saugus
Hawkes Pond, Saugus
Heath: Avery Brook
Heath: Hosmer Rd.
Heath: powerline
Hemlock Gorge, Needham
Hemlock Gorge, Newton
Hewitts Cove, Hingham
Hingham [generic]
Hingham: Bare Cove Park, salt marsh
Hingham: Bare Cove Park, woods
Hingham: Stodder's Neck Park
Hingham: Washington Forest and vic.
Hingham: Weir River
Hingham: World's End
Hingham: northern
Hingham: northern, Rt 3a
Hingham: pondlet S of Fulling Millpond
Hockomock Swamp, Maple St., W Bridgewater
Hockomock Swamp, Raynham
Hockomock Swamp, W Bridgewater
Hockomock Swamp, high-voltage line, W Bridgewater
Hockomock Swamp, maple swamp off Maple St., W Bridgewater
Hockomock Swamp, open fen, W Bridgewater
Hockomock Swamp: Easton
Holbrook Commuter R Station
Holbrook Sand Quarry
Holbrook generic
Holbrook, Town Forest
Holbrook, powerline at Weymouth border
Holbrook, vacant lot, Union St.
Holbrook-248 Center St
Holbrook/Braintree *** brook
Holden: Poutwater Pond
Hopkins Mem. For. and vic
Hopkins Mem. For.: Buxton Garden
Hopkins Mem. For.: NW Hill slope
Hudson: Assabet R. NWR
Hull: Weir River Estuary
Hyde Park, Mother Brook at Turtle Pond Pkwy
JP-Allandale Rd/Centre St intersection
JP-Allandale Woods
JP-Centre Street
Jamaica Plain, HRCA
Jamaica Plain: Moss Hill
Kingston generic
Kingston: Muddy Pond
Laurel Lake: NE (Lee)
Laurel Lake: NE (Lenox)
Laurel Lake: NE (Lenox)
Laurel Lake: SE: Highlawn Farm (Lee)
Laurel Lake: WE (Lee)
Laurel Lake: east (Lee/Lenox)
Lee, E of Laurel Lake, XXX area,
Lee, Housatonic R. S of Rt. 102
Lenox, Laurel Lake NE shore
Lenox: Kennedy Park
Little Long Pond (Plymouth/Wareham)
Long Duck Pond Pres. Lots
Lowell-Dracut-Tyngsborough St F, Lowell
Lowell-Dracut-Tyngsborough St F, Tyngsborough
Lynn Woods Reservation
Lynn generic
Lynn: Walden Pond
MSF: Cattle Pond
Marblehead Iisland
Marion: Peirson Woods
Marion: generic
Marshfield: Cornhill Woodland
Marshfield: North R.
Marshfield: Pudding Hill Reservation
Marshfield: Rexhame Beach
Marshfield: S. River at Willow St.
Massachusetts [generic/herbaria]
Massachusetts generic
Massasoit NWR: east
Massasoit NWR: east: pond
Massasoit NWR: large
Massasoit NWR: large (Crooked Pond)
Massasoit NWR: large (Gunners Exchange Pond)
Massasoit NWR: west
Massasoit NWR: west (Hoyts Pond)
Massasoit SP: Big Bearhole Pond
Massasoit SP: Main Road
Massasoit SP: Off Lake Rico, Taunton
Mattapoisett: Nasketucket Bay Res.
Medfield Rhododendrons
Medfield State Forest
Medford generic
Middleborough [Rt. 28]
Middleborough [Rt. 495]
Middleborough [generic]
Middleborough: Assawompset Pond
Middleborough: Nemasket R.
Middleborough: Pocksha Pond (North)
Middleborough: Rocky Gutter WMA
Middlesex Fells, Medford
Middlesex Fells, Medford: Wright's Pond
Middlesex Fells, Stoneham
Middlesex Fells, Virginia Woods, Stoneham
Middlesex Fells, Winchester
Middlesex Fells-1, Medford
Middlesex Fells-2, Winchester
Middlesex Fells-2, Winchester, Long Pond
Middlesex Fells-3, Medford
Middlesex Fells-3, Stoneham
Middlesex Fells-4, Medford
Middlesex Fells-5, Medford
Middlesex Fells: Gar', Medford
Milton-Brook Rd
Milton-Corey Ln off Canton Ave
Milton-Forbes Woods
Milton-N border w/Mattapan-Rt 138/28
Milton-Rt 28
Milton: generic
Minuteman Nat. Hist. Park: Lincoln
Mohawk Trail State Forest
Mt. Greylock Res. and vic., Adams
Mt. Greylock Res. and vic., North Adams
Mt. Greylock Res. and vic.: Bellows Pipe Trail
Mt. Greylock Res. and vicinity
Mt. Greylock Res., Williamstown
Mt. Holyoke Rge. St. Pk. (Bare Mt.), Hadley
Mt. Holyoke Rge. St. Pk., Amherst
Mt. Holyoke Rge. St. Pk., Granby
Mt. Holyoke Rge. St. Pk., Hadley
Mt. Holyoke Rge. St. Pk., South Hadley
Mt. Holyoke, South Hadley
Mt. Toby Forest, Sunderland
Myles SF [off] Plymouth/Wareham: Little Long Pond
Myles SF-Carver [generic]
Myles SF-Carver-Barrett Pond
Myles SF-Carver-Cranberry Rd./W Line Rd.
Myles SF-Carver-E of Crane Brook
Myles SF-Carver-East Head Reservoir
Myles SF-Carver-Halfway Pond Rd.
Myles SF-Carver-Lost Horse Bog
Myles SF-Carver-Pondlet/bog (Musquash/Bare Hill Rd)
Myles SF-Carver-between Federal Pond and Musquash Rds
Myles SF-Carver-headquarters
Myles SF-Carver-irrig. ditch-Wankinco R.
Myles SF-Plym-Liggett
Myles SF-Plymouth Camp Squanto/Fawn Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth E of Widgeon Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth [generic]
Myles SF-Plymouth between College Pd.Rd./Bumps Pd.
Myles SF-Plymouth powerline at inters. w/ Halfway Pond Rd.
Myles SF-Plymouth-Alden Rd
Myles SF-Plymouth-Bare Hill Rd.
Myles SF-Plymouth-Big West/Grassy West Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Bumps Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Charge Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-College Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Curlew Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Doctors Pond 1
Myles SF-Plymouth-Doctors Pond 2
Myles SF-Plymouth-Doctors Pond 3
Myles SF-Plymouth-Dumpster off Southwest Line Rd.
Myles SF-Plymouth-E of New Long Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-East Entrance
Myles SF-Plymouth-East Head Reservoir
Myles SF-Plymouth-Fearing Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Fearing Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Fearing Pond Rd.
Myles SF-Plymouth-Federal Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Field east of 3-Cornered Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Field south of parking lot 2
Myles SF-Plymouth-Grassy Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Gunners Echange Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Halfway Pond/Upper College Pond Rd.
Myles SF-Plymouth-Hooper Pd.
Myles SF-Plymouth-Hooper Pond and vic.
Myles SF-Plymouth-Kamesit.
Myles SF-Plymouth-Little College Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Little Widgeon Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Little Widgeon Pond #1 (Unnamed W)
Myles SF-Plymouth-Little Widgeon Pond #2 (Unnamed W, Rhynchospora)
Myles SF-Plymouth-Lower College Pond Rd.
Myles SF-Plymouth-Maple Springs Rd.
Myles SF-Plymouth-New Grassy Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-New Long Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Plymouth Webster Springs Rd.
Myles SF-Plymouth-Pond 1 (W of College)
Myles SF-Plymouth-Pond 2 (opp. Fed. Pond Rd.)
Myles SF-Plymouth-Pond 3 (opp. W Crawford Rd.)
Myles SF-Plymouth-Pond 4 (Military)
Myles SF-Plymouth-Pond 5 (Rhynchospora)
Myles SF-Plymouth-Pond 6 (Torrey Pond)
Myles SF-Plymouth-Pond 7 (Lycopodiella/East of Torrey Pond)
Myles SF-Plymouth-Pond Manters Hole
Myles SF-Plymouth-Pond Sly Ponds
Myles SF-Plymouth-Pond Unnamed S of SE Rd. Cachalot
Myles SF-Plymouth-Pond: Wings Hole
Myles SF-Plymouth-Power line near Rocky Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Powerline NE of East Head Res.
Myles SF-Plymouth-Rocky Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Sawpit
Myles SF-Plymouth-Snake Hill Rd
Myles SF-Plymouth-South Line Rd
Myles SF-Plymouth-Southeast Line Rd.
Myles SF-Plymouth-Southwest Line Rd. and vic.
Myles SF-Plymouth-Three-Cornered Pond Rd. (E)
Myles SF-Plymouth-Three-Cornered Pond Rd. (W)
Myles SF-Plymouth-Three-Cornered/Round Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Torrey Pond Rd.
Myles SF-Plymouth-Unnamed Pond SW of New Long Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-Upper College Pond Rd
Myles SF-Plymouth-Widgeon Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-betw. New Long Pond and Upper College Pond Rd.
Myles SF-Plymouth-bike path 1
Myles SF-Plymouth-inters. Upper College Pond / Fearing Pond Rd.
Myles SF-Plymouth-off Alden Rd.
Myles SF-Plymouth-power line along Alden Rd
Myles SF-Plymouth-powerline near Federal Pond
Myles SF-Plymouth-wooded swamp at N bank of East Head Reservoir
Myles SF-Plymouth: Eastern
Myles Standish SF-Carver-Three-Cornered Pond Rd. W / Musquash Rd.
Myles Standish SF-Plymouth-East Line Rd.
Myles Standish SF-Plymouth-Haynes Rd.
Myles Standish SF-Plymouth-Priscilla Rd.
Mystic River Reservation, Arlington
N of Municipal Golf Course, Taunton
N/A (herbarium)
NH: Philbrick-Cricenti Qua.Bog, New London
Nantucket: Stanford Farm/Ram Pasture
Natick: Rt. 9
Needham generic
Needham.Kendrick, N Cut-PK
Needham: Claxton Field
Needham: Ridge Hill Res.
Needham: near Echo Bridge
Neponset R., Hyde Park
New Bedford: Acushnet Cedar Swamp SR
New Bedford: Brooklawn Park
New Bedford: generic
New Hampshire
New Hampshire: Ossepee bog
Newton Free Library parking lot
Newton Highlands T-station
Newton, Woodland Golf Club
Newton- Highlands-Res-Circuit-Thurston
Newton-Memorial Spaulding Elementary School
Newton-Newtonville-Walnut St
Newton-Walnut St opposite Day Middle School
Newton-off Winchester St
Newton: Kennard Pk.
Noanet Woods, Dover
Noanet Woods, Dover: Peabody Trail
Noanet Woods, Dover: northern wetland at Noanet Brook
Noanet Woods, Dover: wetland at Noanet Brook origin
North Adams generic
North Attleboro: World War I Memorial Park
Northeastern University Campus, Dedham
Northfield State Forest, Northfield
Northfield generic
Norwell: Jakobs Pond
Norwell: Norris Reservation
Norwell: Stetson Meadows
Norwood generic
Norwood-Industrial Park
Norwood-Purgatory Swamp
Norwood-University Ave-wet meadow behind offices
Off Pond Meadow Park, Weymouth
Pembroke: Herring Run, Little Pudding Brook
Pembroke: Hobomock Pond
Pembroke: Misty Meadows CA
Pembroke: Willow Brook Farm Pr.
Pembroke: generic
Petersham: Federated Women Club SF
Petersham: Harvard Forest
Pittsfield, Arboretum
Pittsfield, SW of Mud Pond, NE of Richmond Pond, at farm entrance near small unnamed pond
Plum Island, Ipswich
Plum Island, Newbury
Plum Island, Newburyport
Plum Island, Rowley
Plymoth Plantation
Plymouth [generic]
Plymouth-Alper Preserver
Plymouth-Bartlett Rd.
Plymouth-Big West Pond
Plymouth-Bloody Pond Cons. Area
Plymouth-Boot Pond
Plymouth-Center Hill Rd.
Plymouth-Cooks Pond and vicinity
Plymouth-Digital/Reed Pond
Plymouth-Grassy Pond
Plymouth-Great South Pond
Plymouth-Great South Pond Area
Plymouth-Harlow Pond
Plymouth-King's Pond
Plymouth-Lily Pond
Plymouth-Little Herring Pond
Plymouth-Little Micajah Pond
Plymouth-Little West Pond
Plymouth-Old Cemetery
Plymouth-Pickerel Pond WildLand Trust
Plymouth-Pine Hills
Plymouth-Pondlet N of Lunn's Way
Plymouth-Pondlet S of Lunn's Way
Plymouth-Pondlet W of Little Micajah Pond
Plymouth-Reid Pond Preserve
Plymouth-South Triangle Pond
Plymouth-TownForest,Cooks Pond
Plymouth-TownForest,Quarry,nr.Cooks Pd
Plymouth-Triangle Pond
Plymouth-Triangle Pond (off Little Herring)
Plymouth-Whites Pond
Plymouth: Abandoned cranberry plantation S of GSP
Plymouth: Beaver Dam C.A.
Plymouth: Beaver Dam C.A.: Little Island Pond
Plymouth: Eel R.
Plymouth: Eel River mouth
Plymouth: Emery Preserve
Plymouth: Halfway Pond
Plymouth: Immediately north of Myles SF-Plymouth
Plymouth: Indian Brook
Plymouth: Indian Brook Cons Area
Plymouth: Little Herring/Triangle Pond
Plymouth: Manomet Recr. Area
Plymouth: Manomet Recr. Playground
Plymouth: Morton Pk
Plymouth: North Triangle Pond
Plymouth: Plymouth Long Beach
Plymouth: Plymouth South School
Plymouth: Pondlet and bog NW Great Island Pond
Plymouth: Powderhorn Pond
Plymouth: Savery Pond
Plymouth: Savery Pond Area
Plymouth: White Horse Beach
Plymouth: west of Savery Pond
Pond Meadow Park, Braintree
Poor Meadow Brook Conservation Area, Hanson
Princeton: Mt. Wachusett State Res.
Quabbin Reservoir, New Salem
Quincy: Nut Island
Quincy: Willard St., Shea Rink parking lot
Quincy: any location
Randolph home
Randolph home-back lawn
Randolph home-back lawn-edge of woods
Randolph home-backyard woods
Randolph home-bed under front windows
Randolph home-front lawn-bed
Randolph-Center Street
Randolph-High St
Randolph-N-Scanion Drive-off Rt 28
Randolph-Rt 139 near intersection with Rt 24
Randolph-Rt 28
Randolph-Rt 28/128 intersection
Ravenswood Park, Gloucester
Rehoboth: SE of Great Meadow Hill
Rehoboth: near Anawan Rock
Richmond, Richmond Pond S shore, Nordeen Marsh Heritage Area
Richmond, Richmond Pond W shore
Rochester: Linum site
Rochester: Quittacas Pond
Rochester: generic
Rockland generic
Rockland: Twin Ponds
Rockland: Union Point
Rockland: fields
Rockland: town forest
Roslindale-Forest Hills T station
Rowley: Parker R. NWR: Nelson I.
Rowley: Rough Meadows Sanctuary
Rt 128 or Rt 3
Rt 128-93
Rt 24 (northern part)
Rt 28
S Plymouth-Little Rocky Pond
SBR-Bellvue Hill
SBR-HydePk E of E Boundary
SBR-HydePk E of E Boundary, wetland
SBR-HydePk-Bald Knob
SBR-HydePk-Dedham Pkwy-weedy hill near parking
SBR-HydePk-S Stony Brook S of Bald Knob
SBR-HydePk-S Stony Brook W of Bald Knob
SBR-HydePk-Stony Brook P
SBR-Stony Brook
SBR-WRoxb- N of Adams P-unnamed hill
SBR-WRoxb-E Boundary entrance
SBR-WRoxb-NE of Turtle Pond
SBR-WRoxb-NW-Johnson P
SBR-WRoxb-NW-Lawrence P
SBR-WRoxb-NW-Milkweed Hill
SBR-WRoxb-NW-artificial hill NW of Johnson P
SBR-WRoxb-Turtle Pond with brooks
SBR-WRoxb-Turtle Pond-N Brook
SBR-WRoxb-immediate NW of res-weedy area
SBR-WRoxb/HydePk E Boundary
SBR-WRoxb/HydePk Overlook P
SBR-WRoxb/HydePk border-Adams P
SBR-WRoxb/HydePk-unspecified location
Sandwich, generic
Saugus R., Wakefield
Scituate generic
Scituate: Driftway Rd.
Scituate: Driftway/Conservation Park
Scusset Beach State Reservation, Sandwich
Sharon: Moose Hill Sanct.: Bluff Hill
Sharon: Moose Hill Sanctuary
Sharon: Moose Hill Street
Sheffield, Bartholomews Cobble
Sheffield, Berkshire School Rd.
Sheffield, Foley Rd.
Sheffield, Foley Rd., Salisbury Rd. intersect.
Sheffield, Mt. Everett State Res.
Sheffield, Schenob Brook Fen (Kelsey Rd., roadside at Dry Brook)
Shrewsbury, Town Forest
South Plymouth
Sterling: old quarry
Stockbridge: Rt. 7, roadside at Agawam Lake WMA border
Stoughton: Bird Street Conservation Area
Sudbury: Allowance Brook floodplain
Sudbury: Assabet R. NWR
Taunton generic
Three-Mile Brook, Taunton
Tidmarsh Farms West, Plymouth [Beaver Dam Rd.]
Tidmarsh Farms vicinity [generic]
Tidmarsh Farms vicinity, Plymouth [bog #2]
Tidmarsh Farms vicinity, Plymouth [bog #3]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [Beaver Dam Brook]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [Beaver Dam Rd.]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [H.tomentosa/C.dumosum]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [Mars]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [Pine Hills]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [bog #1]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [dam]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [ditch]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [drained pond]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [forest]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [generic]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [generic]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [newly abandoned cranberry plantation]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [nursery production]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [nursery wild]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [old cranberry bog]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [open wetland]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [red maple swamp]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [roadside]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [sand pit]
Tidmarsh Farms, Plymouth [the Arm]
Torbert MacDonald State Park, Medford
Wachusett Reservoir, Boylston
Walden Pond-Concord
Walden Pond-Lincoln
Waldo Lake, D.W. Field Pk., Brockton
Wareham-High-voltage-line-Maple Spring Rd
Wareham-Maple Spring Rd
Wareham-Pond near Maple Spring Rd
Wareham-off Maple Spring Rd
Wareham: Agawam R. Trail
Wareham: Charge Pond Rd.
Wareham: Douglas S. Westgate Conservation Area
Wareham: Horseshoe Pond / Conant Hill and vic.
Wareham: Onset Beach
Wareham: Onset Junction
Wareham: Tihonet Pond, Wankinco River
Wareham: Tihonet Rd.
Wareham: generic
Wareham: industrial area
Wayland: Great Meadows MWR
Wellesley: Kelly Park Cons. Area
Wellesley: Office Pk., Charles R.
Wellfleet: Great Island
Wellfleet: Newcomb Hollow Beach
Wellfleet: White Crest Beach
Wells State Park, Sturbridge
Wendell State Forest, Wendell
West Boylston: powerline
West Bridgewater: Rt. 106/East St.
West Bridgewater: fields and meadows off Scotland..
West Tisbury
Westport: Horseneck Beach Res.
Westwood Industrial Park
Westwood Purgatory Swamp-historic-1901
Westwood generic
Westwood-Lowell Woods
Westwood: Elsa M. Currier Res.
Weymouth Gr. Pond E shore
Weymouth Gr. Pond NE shore
Weymouth Gr. Pond NW shore
Weymouth Gr. Pond SE shore
Weymouth Gr. Pond SW shore
Weymouth generic
Weymouth-Middle St
Weymouth: Abigail Adams Park
Weymouth: Great Esker Park
Weymouth: Osprey Overlook Park
Weymouth: Webb State Park
Williamstown: Bullock Ledge Natural Area
Williamstown: generic
Wilmington: Martins Brook
Wilson Mt. Res. Dedham
Woburn generic
Woburn: Horned Pond Mt.
Woburn: Rag Rock Cons. Area and vic.
Wompatuck State Park, Hingham
Wompatuck State Park, Norwell
Worcester: Broad Meadow Brook
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