Three Days in Colorado
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Independence Pass, 12,000 ft

Salix brachycarpa or S. glauca

Salix nivalis
snow willow

Salix brachycarpa or S. glauca

Salix brachycarpa
shortfruit willow

Salix nivalis
snow willow

Salix brachycarpa
shortfruit willow

Castilleja occidentalis
western Indian paintbrush

Castilleja occidentalis
western Indian paintbrush

Polygonum bistortoides
American bistort

Polygonum bistortoides
American bistort

Polygonum bistortoides
American bistort

Mertensia sp.

Mertensia ciliata
tall fringed bluebells

Solidago simplex
Mt. Albert goldenrod

Caltha leptosepala
white marsh marigold

Caltha leptosepala
white marsh marigold

Rhodiola rhodantha
redpod stonecrop

Castilleja rhexifolia
splitleaf Indian paintbrush

Castilleja rhexifolia
splitleaf Indian paintbrush

Cerastium fontanum
common mouse-ear chickweed
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last updated 03/29/2017 08:00:00