Carex kobomugi — Japanese dune sedge — distribution by town in Massachusetts

— town in which taxon has been recorded only recently (in or after 1980)
— both recent and historic records
— only historic records (dated prior to 1980)
— doubtful or erroneous record
Records retrieved from CNH Portal, NHESP town records for rare plants, generic records (e.g., observations listed in the county floras), and salicicola photo records. Click on any town marker to see source(s) of pertaining record(s) coded as [CNH], [generic], [photo], or [NHESP]. In the list below, exclamation sign ('!') appended to years for verified records, and question mark ('?') for unverified.
Records Sorted by Category
Only Historic
  1. MA — Falmouth [ 0 ]
Historic and Recent
Only Recent
Unable to Map
(town name missing or non-standard or locality outside New England)

Generated Feb. 19, 2025, 8:25 p.m. (America/New_York)